Deep Breathing

Deep breathing has always been one of my favorite skills to teach because it’s so simple and effective.

Personally, I also love it because it’s the under-dog of coping skills. In a way, since everyone already breathes, I think we take for granted how helpful purposeful deep breathing can be. Like the same way we all know we would probably be benefited by drinking more water or eating more greens.

Deep breathing can be a crisis survival skill (e.g. help us navigate through a panic attack) as well as a maintenance skill (e.g. reduce everyday anxiety and muscle tension). You can use it anytime, anywhere and it’s absolutely free.

Additionally, when you find yourself super busy, you can pair deep breathing with any other daily task and still reap the benefits. Here are some of my favorite times to sneak in some breathing: while folding laundry, picking up books my son throws, letting my dog outside, making social media content 🤣

Below is some information on deep breathing. If you’re looking for more skills or help implementing them, consider giving us a call. We’re happy to help!