For Fellow Therapists
“I’m a therapist, I should know better…”
“I tell other people this all day but don’t do it for myself…”
“I absorb a lot but don’t really have a place to put it down…”
What makes you a good therapist? Well, everyone’s definition is different, but we’re going to guess you’re empathic, you’re a natural caregiver, people gravitate towards you because you’re easy to talk to, you see the best in others, and you’re able to absorb a great deal of emotions from others and help them work through it.
We love those things about you!
And, we also recognize that some of what makes a great therapist also comes at a cost to us as humans. As a therapist, your ability to put your clients’ needs over your own while in session is nobel and part of what makes you great at what you do. Over time, it makes sense that this process can often lead to us keeping our own emotions on the back burner.
As a therapist, you do a great deal of heavy mental lifting. You listen to others for hours, put yourself in their shoes, take all their thoughts and feelings, process it, synthesize it, validate it, and respond back with something that helps them make progress towards a happier, more peaceful life. That’s hard work! And as an ethical therapist, you’re not able to vent or unload some of this mental heavy lift with your natural supports. So it can be isolating.
We love helping therapists because we KNOW the work you do and how much compassion you show to others. Our goal is to provide a non-judgmental and supportive environment for you to also receive that compassion. We offer a person centered approach to provide an opportunity to process and explore your own struggles juxtaposed with the important work you do.
You give support, you deserve support.
Call or email us today for a free initial consultation to see how we can help.